Monday, 14 May 2012

Learning to Walk

Exercise & me don't mix. I love to get out and about, but I get fed up easily. I've started walking.  I drop my LO off at playgroup and then set to it.  A hot-footed walk for 3 miles (return, no I didn't take the bus although 3 did pass me!) 

Complete with IPod I walk in time to the music.  I spot my first landmark - a nice lump of horse poo and from this I fill my walk with landmarks as I walk, trip, jog (and dance, more of that in a min) my way to my end post.

Walking along this road that I drive every day I've become one of those people that I stare at.  A walker that has no-where else to go apart from forward for 1.5 miles and in open view of everyone.  I say 'stare' I'm not actually stalkingly staring at them, I just wonder what their focus is, keeping fit? Losing weight? Out for a leisurely stroll? Or just walking the dog? I also wonder what music they're listening to while they attempt their regime, well now I know.

Fasting forward a few tracks on my ipod that was filled a year and a half ago for our family holiday, I listen to  a few old tracks, a few recent ones downloaded for my last holiday, and of course the obvious playlist for a mum of a pre-schooler, nursery rhymes.

So in between, Coldplay, Pink, the Beatles and my very serious focused mind I was just getting into my stride  and little jog when there were no cars in sight, (if you have ever watched the episode of Friends, where Rachel & Phoebe go running in the park, well I'm Phoebe!), therefore I have to make sure that I'm alone when I attempt.  

After Kylie's Better the Devil you Know, and almost 2 miles into my walk, I heard it and I couldn't contain myself.  Placing itself in the sights of my next random iPod shuffle was 'I Just Can't Wait To Be King' from Disney's The Lion King.  I just had to do it, I had to dance!  Walking along a road where I would be the focus of any car/bus/truck that comes around the corner, there was ol' jazz hands, skipping and kick-ball changing along to LO's favourite film track!  Just for 2 whole minutes I was so happy.  Happy while exercising - who knew!!!!

So next time I'm driving down this B-road and see someone with their own agenda for walking I'll bet there are no dance anthems or zumba tracks to keep their legs on the move - it's children's music that releases their endorphins and makes them feel great.

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