Wednesday 23 March 2016

Mummy, Cream!!

So, there I am busily making tea, when all I saw was twin B standing at the kitchen door saying 'mummy, cream' to which I glanced over and said 'just put it back please'.   However, my curiosity got the better of me, plus the giveaway was that there was no sight of twin A, so I took a look in the lounge and gasped at the current sight of said living room!!

Sat on the built in television cupboard was twin A rubbing his legs aka Reeves and Mortimer stylee with the biggest cheesy grin on his face, but was actually rubbing in Sudocrem! My initial reaction was to gasp before laughing through my nose, obviously that was telling them that I thought it was hilarious, well I tell you now, that thought was wiped from their and my mind as soon as I realised the extent to which the sudocrem had been distributed.

It was in blotches on my brown carpet (a nice chocolate brown btw), smeared over twin A's jeans, t-shirt, hair, and mostly on the hands of twin B, who seemed pretty please with his artwork.

So a good 2 hours later, the lounge was back to a 'normal' state of repair, the same can't be said for Twin A's hair though!!  After shampooing first and washing, shampooing again and drying, then putting talc on it to absorb any oil, he woke up the next morning with hair like Einstein.  Two days, that's all I'm saying - Two Days!!!

Monday 22 April 2013

There's what??

So after the shock of finding out I was expecting twins what was I supposed to do?  I didn't know either so I cried - for the rest of the day.

Many weeks later, 8 in fact, the reality has now set in for me, maybe not yet for my DH but for me definitely.  Apart from feeling tired now and again, I'm more or less ok, apart from the normal worries of 'I hope everything is ok with both of them, what if its not?, what will I do then?'  I mean, of all the maternal people I know and I'm the one that ends up with twins!!

So I say I've now got used to the idea but sometimes I still can't comprehend it all.  I just realise how lucky I am to be blessed with two little beans.

Monday 14 May 2012

Learning to Walk

Exercise & me don't mix. I love to get out and about, but I get fed up easily. I've started walking.  I drop my LO off at playgroup and then set to it.  A hot-footed walk for 3 miles (return, no I didn't take the bus although 3 did pass me!) 

Complete with IPod I walk in time to the music.  I spot my first landmark - a nice lump of horse poo and from this I fill my walk with landmarks as I walk, trip, jog (and dance, more of that in a min) my way to my end post.

Walking along this road that I drive every day I've become one of those people that I stare at.  A walker that has no-where else to go apart from forward for 1.5 miles and in open view of everyone.  I say 'stare' I'm not actually stalkingly staring at them, I just wonder what their focus is, keeping fit? Losing weight? Out for a leisurely stroll? Or just walking the dog? I also wonder what music they're listening to while they attempt their regime, well now I know.

Fasting forward a few tracks on my ipod that was filled a year and a half ago for our family holiday, I listen to  a few old tracks, a few recent ones downloaded for my last holiday, and of course the obvious playlist for a mum of a pre-schooler, nursery rhymes.

So in between, Coldplay, Pink, the Beatles and my very serious focused mind I was just getting into my stride  and little jog when there were no cars in sight, (if you have ever watched the episode of Friends, where Rachel & Phoebe go running in the park, well I'm Phoebe!), therefore I have to make sure that I'm alone when I attempt.  

After Kylie's Better the Devil you Know, and almost 2 miles into my walk, I heard it and I couldn't contain myself.  Placing itself in the sights of my next random iPod shuffle was 'I Just Can't Wait To Be King' from Disney's The Lion King.  I just had to do it, I had to dance!  Walking along a road where I would be the focus of any car/bus/truck that comes around the corner, there was ol' jazz hands, skipping and kick-ball changing along to LO's favourite film track!  Just for 2 whole minutes I was so happy.  Happy while exercising - who knew!!!!

So next time I'm driving down this B-road and see someone with their own agenda for walking I'll bet there are no dance anthems or zumba tracks to keep their legs on the move - it's children's music that releases their endorphins and makes them feel great.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Is it only me, or does anyone else ever wonder if anything would have been different if you made the other decision? 

I'm going to call it, The Sliding Doors effect.

I mean, I always hear people say 'I followed my gut' or 'go with your instincts', but what if there are times when you follow that same pattern that it goes wrong somehow.

I'm not one to 'just go with it'.  It's takes me ages to decide that something is the right choice.  I'm more of a 'what if' person, ever thinking of those sliding doors. 

A few years ago I turned down an offer to buy my house, the markets were going really well and we had lots of viewings, the couple seemed really nice but seemed to be stretching themselves (not my problem, I know) but still we refused their offer as they weren't coming near to the price we would have accepted.

4 years later, the markets have slowed and we have taken our house off the market and decided to stay for a while.  The house we had being reserved for us has been sold.  New people are moving in on 'our dream' and I wonder about those sliding doors.

Was it a good thing that we refused the offer?  Was it meant to be? 

Or through my sliding doors would I be living the hazy sunny days of our future dream?